Spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in Western nations during the 1970s.
Examples for "new age"
Examples for "new age"
1But some reckon that the new age needs buttressing by new thinking.
2Karhide's on the brink of a new epoch, a great new age.
3In a moment you will see the mothers of the new age.
4May 25 marks the dawn of a new age in consumer privacy.
5It's from this humble beginning that a new age of travel began.
1It has even become the darling of the New Age movement.
2Finally, Cumbey points out that the anti-Christ and satanic aspects are woven into the cult of the New Age movement.
3All this brainy brilliance may have contributed to the rise of dolphin worship within the New Age movement and beyond.
4Blackwolf went back to solo crime fighting, and Elphin enjoyed a brief vogue as the figurehead for a New Age movement.
5Only the diffuse New Age movement, inspired by nature-keyed Asian practices, has preserved the radical vision of the modern sexual revolution.
6With material like this, one would have liked a more incisive comedy to materialize around the decline and fall of the New Age movement.
Translations for new age movement